Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Commissioner's Corner - Week 9

League News

I'm just realizing that I never congratulated Colin on his engagement on the blog, like I did with Ben's engagement.  Please note that this is simply an acknowledgement of a lack of congratulations, and does not constitute an actual offering of congratulations. 

Milestones and Historical Perspective

James has finally limped his way to 1,300 career wins.  After starting the season with 4 straight wins (27-10-3), he has the second-worst record through weeks 5-8 (12-26-2).  

James is the 6th manager to join the less-exclusive-by-the-week-club.  Richie (1,276 wins) is the front runner to become #7 with double digit leads on Jarrett and Adrian.  

Hey, look at this!
This is our brand new segment called "Hey, look at this!" where I find mildly interesting stats and present them to you in a way that may or may not mildly interest you.

We haven't done power rankings in a while, so here you go:

Colin - 76
TJ - 70
Kurt - 70
Tim - 64
James - 58
Jarrett - 55
Richie - 54
Alex - 53
Ben - 43
Adrian - 17

Colin - 40
Tim - 36
James - 36
Kurt - 33
Alex - 32
TJ - 27
Jarrett - 27
Richie - 24
Ben - 20
Adrian - 6

TJ - 43
Kurt - 37
Colin - 36
Richie - 30
Tim - 28
Jarrett - 28
Ben - 23
James - 21
Alex - 21
Adrian - 11


WWE Belt

Payouts: $50 at the All-Star Break, $75 at the end of the regular season

Belt holder:  TJ beats James 6-4 to hold onto the Belt.  That marks 4 in a row for the former Dynasty Warrior gamer.

Shutout Pool
Week 9 pot: $15

Jarrett hung 8 on Alex, but missed homers by a wide margin (also known as a "Kurt Wednesday").  No one else was close.

Neighborhood Rumble
Payouts:  $25 to the Islington and Westwood champion, $50 to the Tournament champ

Dates: Week 16ish – talk to Kurt for more details.

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