Friday, July 31, 2015

The Commissioner's Corner - Week 16

League News

Jarrett picked up a catcher, the Neighborhood Rumble is underway and with the trade deadline 17 days away the next two weeks will be vital in determining who's a seller and who's a buyer.   

Milestones and Historical Perspective

Tim (75-67-8) is one win away from tying Paul French on the career wins list.  At this point in his only season, Paul had 57 wins which would put him in 9th in today's standings.

Hey, look at this!

This is our brand new segment called "Hey, look at this!" where I find mildly interesting stats and present them to you in a way that may or may not mildly interest you.

So we've had a little over a month of games to digest the luck idea.  Let's see if there's a pattern of regression, or if I wasted a ton of time doing this (note: many will claim that even if there is a pattern of regression I will have wasted my time and to that I say yeah you're probably right but you're reading a blog about fantasy baseball so go ahead and tell me how your life is so wild and interesting jerkoff):

ManagerWk 11 W%VarianceHe wasWk 16 W%Expected record toRecordResult

5 trended as expected, 5 did not.  Hard to tell how much injuries play into this but so far, it's not quite as accurate as I'd hoped.  Curious to see what happens at the end of the year but I might be the only one.


WWE Belt

Payouts: $50 at the All-Star Break (week 15), $75 at the end of the regular season

Belt holder:  Alex
Alex stole the Belt from Richie on a true buzzer beater, nabbing a win from Sunday Night Baseball, tying the Wins category and resulting in a 5-4-1 victory.  I want to personally thank the Red Sox for winning that game, which I think is one of 3 wins over the last two weeks.  Great job guys.
Shutout Pool

Week 15 pot: $45

Colin flirted with dominance again over James, but the week ended 7-3.  Kurt and Tim also put up 7 spots.

Neighborhood Rumble

Play in games are happening this week, starting up full force on Monday.  Super excited for this!

Payouts:  $25 to the Islington and Westwood champion, $50 to the Tournament champ

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