Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Commissioner's Corner - Week 3

I made it to week 2 before missing a week.  Solid start.  I am SLAMMED at work; what better time to print a new Commissioner's Corner?

League News

Ben got engaged!  (insert a "when's the date" joke here)

Milestones and Historical Perspective

Race to 1,300 wins:
  1. TJ (1,295)
  2. Alex (1,294)
  3. Kurt (1,287)
***Brand new segment warning ahead***

Hey, look at this!
This is our brand new segment called "Hey, look at this!" where I find mildly interesting historical stats and present them to you in a way that may or may not mildly amuse you.

Our early season basement dwellers aren't your typical suspects

Ben - currently in 8th - 336 wins in the last 3 years (2nd)
Kurt - currently in 9th - 322 wins in the last 3 years (T-4th)
Alex - currently in 10th - 353 wins in the last 3 years (1st)


WWE Belt

Payouts: $50 at the All-Star Break, $75 at the end of the regular season

Belt holder: Jarrett steals the belt from Colin after a 6-4 victory in week 2.  Lets see how long he keeps it this time around after retaining it for nearly the entire season last year.
Shutout Pool
Week 3 pot: $15

TJ narrowly misses the shutout over Ben last week, settling for a 9-1 decision.  TJ would have been paid -$190, as he still owes his league dues.

Neighborhood Rumble
Payouts:  $25 to the Islington and Westwood champion, $50 to the Tournament champ

Dates: Week 16ish – talk to Kurt for more details.

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