Tuesday, September 6, 2016

2016 Incentives Recap


Congratulations to Colin and Alex who won their respective divisions.  Colin kind of led it the whole year and it was kind of boring.  Alex and James were flirting with each other all season before James folded, giving Alex the division.  They will each receive $50 for their efforts.


To remind everyone (because I'm not sure you were all aware) we voted on an incentive that pitted divisions against each.  The scores from weeks 3, 12, and 21 were counted to determine who had the best division.  The results are in and the champions are....

Chalice Peimera Division 1!

Final score 72-70-8.  Here are the table results below.  Colin was the MVP for the winning side, beating up on Kurt 22-7-1 over the three games.  Alex was the most dominant overall, posting a 23-5-3 record over Adrian.  

$20 will be awarded to each of the members of the Chalice Primera Division 1 (yes, even you Adrian).

Chalice Primera Division 172Evan Longoria Memorial Div3 in 470
Week 3Adrian0Alex8
Week 12Adrian4Alex6
Week 21Adrian1Alex9
Week 3Colin8Kurt2
Week 12Colin6Kurt4
Week 21Colin8Kurt1
Week 3Jarrett3Richie7
Week 12Jarrett5Richie5
Week 21Jarrett3Richie7
Week 3Tim6James4
Week 12Tim5James5
Week 21Tim6James3
Week 3TJ6Ben3
Week 12TJ6Ben3
Week 21TJ5Ben3
Total wins


PRIZES: $50 Mid-Season (James wins!), $75 regular season finale (TJ wins!)

TJ beat Ben 5-3 to steal the belt (and Ben's playoff spot) in the final game of the regular season.  TJ nabbed two saves and 29 strikeouts over the weekend to tie those two categories, and two stolen bases on Sunday gave him the margin of victory that he needed.  Another heart breaking loss for Ben, and we continue to reward the guy that left us high and dry on draft day.  Congratulations TJ and fuck you.

4. SHUTOUT POOL PRIZES: $5 week cumulative, pays out and resets on a 10-0 shutout

No shutouts!


If my stats are correct, that's the first time since 2009 that we haven't had a 10-0 shutout.  The $105 allocated for this incentive will be put towards the playoff payouts.


1ST - $1,005.00
2ND - $502.50
3RD - $167.50

2016 Playoff Probabilities

This is a re-post of last year's blog with updated numbers.

Congratulations!  You made it to the playoffs.  It was a long hard road filled with adversity and struggle, but you drafted and managed your way into a chance at the Chalice.  As we all know, the Head to Head matchup style can be cruel and unforgiving.  In 2005, Ben put on the greatest display of managing in league history.  His 144 wins and .666 winning percentage still stand as the greatest display of prolonged dominance this league has seen.  And despite finishing 34.5 games ahead of his first round opponent, he went 0-2 in the playoffs and didn't even cash.  It may not be fair, but god damn it it’s exciting.  As you would expect, Ben’s experience is not typical.  In the 13 years of Yahoo! documented league history…….

The #1 seed (COLIN) has gone on to win the Chalice six times (Adrian ‘03, Colin ‘04, James ‘07, Kurt ‘12, Ben ‘13, Richie '14). They've lost in the finals twice (Adrian ‘06, Ben ‘10). The eight finals appearances is the most from any playoff seed. With the most championships coming from this position, you could argue that the #1 seed has had the most sucess. But an argument could be made for…….

The #2 seed (ALEX), which is fresh off it's second championship (Adrian ‘08, Jarrett '15). While it can't match the finals success of the #1 seed (four losses in championship games: Alex ‘03, James ‘05, Ben ‘07, Alex ‘12), it holds a dominating 6-1 record in the consolation game (Richie ‘04, Jarrett ‘06, Colin ‘09, Alex ‘10, TJ ‘11, James ‘13). The #2 seed has cashed in every single season except one (Jarrett, 2014).  Overall, more than 80% of the teams that earned a bye have finished in the money, which is a figure that declines sharply once you hit………..

The #3 seed (JARRETT), where less than half (46%) have cashed. #3 seeds are the only seed aside from the #1 seed with a winning record in the title game, winning two of their three appearances (Ben ‘06, Drew ‘09). The numbers are similar for…………….

The #4 seed (JAMES), who has also gotten paid 46% of the time.  This seed represents the most non-bye championship appearances (five); two winners (Alex ‘05, Kurt ‘11) and three losers (Richie ‘08, James ‘09, Kurt '15).  #4 seeds have not fared well in the consolation game capturing just one win (Colin '14) against three losses (Richie ‘03, TJ ‘10, Alex ‘13).  Add it all up and the #4 seed is 3-6 in money games. The seed you must avoid at all costs is…………..

The #5 seed (RICHIE), who’s 8% cash rate makes it by far and away the least lucrative playoff seed in history.  With zero trips to the finals and one third place finish (Kurt ‘07), there’s no doubt this is the cement-shoe seed.  #5 seeds are 4-9 in the first round of the playoffs and 1-7 in their last eight, meaning more than two-thirds of their seasons end in the dreaded, pointless double consolation game. It’s amazing how much better it’s been to be…………..

The #6 seed (TJ), who’s one championship (James ‘10) and 38% cash rate is far more attractive.  Sure, they've taken their lumps; they've come in last more than any other seed (54%), but with three second-place finishes (Alex ‘04, Ben ‘11, Ben '14) and a cash back third (Colin '03), it’s not all that bad.  Plus, you’re automatically the Cinderella story that everyone roots for.  Sot you got that goin’ for you, which is nice.  But of course if you can’t read, there’s always this:

1 Seed46%15%8%31%NANA69%33%
2 Seed15%31%46%8%NANA92%23%
3 Seed15%8%23%15%31%8%46%14%
4 Seed15%23%8%23%23%8%46%17%
5 Seed0%0%8%23%38%31%8%1%
6 Seed8%23%8%0%8%54%38%12%