Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Week 3 Power Rankings

What's up, what's good? Happy Wednesday, everyone, here's your first weekly Power Rankings for Diamond Dynasty Power. 


1.  Jarrett  (48.5)
2.  Colin  (34)
3.  Richie  (33.5)
4.  Kurt (33)
5.  Adrian (29.5)
6.  Ben (29)
7.  James (23.5)
8.  Drew (18.5)
9.  Alex (17)
10.  TJ (8.5)

Jarrett's offense came out of the gate hot.  Much like Jarrett, when he comes out of a gate.  The biggest question mark here is whether or not he can keep this up, now that there are no more gates to come out of.

Colin is in a distant second, but a second nonetheless.  

Richie is hot on the trail, offensively.  Find out in a minute how somehow not having Jamie Moyer on his roster, despite him being the oldest player in baseball, is affecting his pitching staff.

Kurt's offense is good, which it should be since he kept only offensive players.  However, TJ did the same thing and currently has the worst offense in the league.

That rouns out the top 4.  Everyone else is not in the top four.  Some notes on everyone else; Drew is remarkably not the worst offense in the league yet.  TJ and Alex, please step up your game.  The rest of the league is embarrassed for you.


1.  Kurt (39)
1.  TJ (39)
3.  Drew (39)
4.  James  (34.5)
5.  Colin (32.5)
6.  Ben (28.5)
7.  Richie  (18)
7.  Adrian (18)
9.  Jarrett (17.5)
10. Alex (9)

Wait... Whaaaaa???   

Kurt and TJ are tied for the best pitching staffs so far?  But, they both kept four offensive players? 

Well, kids, they must just be the best drafters.  And that last statement was not a question.

Yes, TJ's and Kurt's staffs are leading the way (and are also tied with Drew who was officially listed as 3rd based on his keeping of 4 of the league's best pitchers.  He has no excuses for not being #1 in pitching always, no matter how early in the season it is.)  How did they get it done? Spot-starting.  That explains James' position in 4th as well.  The lesson here is to drop all of your good pitchers and rotate mediocre ones in.  To round out the top four, we all owe James a "sorry for making fun of your Jamie Moyer spot-start. At the time, we all assumed it would be a hilarious misstep on your part, and it honestly is still pretty funny, but you were right."

Now that we apologized to James, we can move forward with the...

Overall Rankings of Diamond Dynasty Power

1.  Kurt (72)
2.  Colin (66.5)
3.  Jarrett (66)
4.  James (58)
5.  Drew (57.5)
5.  Ben (57.5)
7.  Richie (51.5)
8.  Adrian (47.5)
8.  TJ (47.5)
10.  Alex (26)

Did I do the math wrong, or is Alex's team just fucking terrible so far?

The defending champion is in first.  Colin is off to a good start overall, and has really made an impression in the team name department.  The Morneau After Pill?  That's brilliant, just offensive enough for me not to steal it and use it in my work league (which i did with about 15 of all of your names last year,) and references a player who is struggling in the fight against mediocrity.  Keep up the good work, Colin.

Jarrett is making up for his poor pitching staff with a dominant offense.  It has not yet reflected in the overall standings, as he currently sits in 7th.

James has put together a nice season so far, but according to the numbers he is 1st in the Diamond Dynasty Overall Luck Rankings, as he sits atop the DD standings.

Drew! He's in 5th here, and 5th there.  Thanks for proving these rankings effective Big D.

Choney 2012. Nice. Relevant.

Everyone else, work harder and I will mention you next week.